June Newsletter 2024

Ahoy there, and welcome to the ‘Sailship June edition Newsletter’.
June 15th we held our annual ‘Strawberry Fayre’ and what an exciting day we had.
There was homemade strawberry mocktails, elderflower fizz & delicious strawberry ice cream. Our Treasure Trove is still open and we are selling lots of Sailship goodies. This year we are pleased to announce our new range of bespoke cheese & breadboards all made by the trainees.
With Mouse: Two Jar Cheeseboard £17.50
One Jar Cheeseboard £13.00
Without Mice:
Two Jar £10.00 / One Jar £7.50
Jams to sell £2.50
All homemade on site by trainees
Strawberry, Rhubarb & Ginger, Raspberry, Blackberry & Apple, Raspberry & Apple Jelly, Orange Marmalade, Rhubarb & Orange Marmalade, Blackcurrant, Merry Berry, Gooseberry, Bullace & Sloe Jelly, Quince Jelly, Grape Jelly (some of these Jams are seasonal)
Chutneys £2.50
Piccalilli, Spiced Pumpkin & Apple, Sweet Chilli Tomato, Beetroot, Green tomato, Caramelised Onion, Pickled Courgette, Rhubarb Chutney, Courgette Chutney, Rich Farmhouse, Pickled Beetroot.
Kitchen: Strawberries are being busily picked & hulled ready for our delicious homemade jams.
Raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants & lots of other soft fruits are getting ready to be picked & preserved. As well as picking elderflowers & making this into a delicious Elderflower cordial.
Art & Crafts: have been busy making ‘emu puppets’ & beautiful weaved coasters for the Fayre. As well as creating bunting, small bee stones, poppies for the ‘Sailship Commemoration garden ‘and strawberry bird feeders.
Hort: Hort have been busy with harvesting, weeding & watering (on those hot days). Rhubarb is ready to sell, as well as lettuces & chard. Saturday 15th June we will be selling ‘Sailship’s Famous Salad Boxes’.
Grow a Friendship with Sailship: We have a singer arriving Friday 21st June as well as Thursday 27th June. Should anyone 65+ like to join us, this event runs from:
10.30 until 13.00 & cost £5.50 for lunch with homemade Victoria sponge. Please call/email Debbie on: 01255 879623 debbie@sailship.org.uk
Fit4LifeTogether: All participants have been working on the Be Well garden, making raised beds & planting vegetables & fruits. They have also been busy making a bench with trellis for wheelchair accessible raised beds for our dementia garden. Participants have also helped with making beach signs for Strawberry fayre.

Accessible Pathway: The Accessible pathway is open & welcomes you all. Family friendly, the pathway is designed specifically for wheelchairs & adapted bikes.
FREE ENTRY please call/email Debbie on: debbie@sailship.org.uk 01255 879625
We have our new Sailship Commemoration Garden to mark 80 Years of the D Day Anniversary. Please call Debbie to make arrangements to come down & see this wonderful Poppy Garden.
Best wishes
Liz & the team