Welcome to Sailship Training & Learning for Life!
A charity supporting the whole community
We champion work & life skills training for people living with a learning disability.
We support therapeutic pathways for improved mental health and well-being for the wider community - people of all ages and offer dementia friendly spaces within our grounds.
Volunteering At Sailship
Volunteering is a 'two-way road' - a way of helping and receiving something for yourself too.

It may be a way back into employment following an extended sick period, or leave of absence. It may be that you are retired, but feel you still want to keep active and feel useful and valued. It may be that you are not seeking employment but that you would like to give a few hours to support our project.
At Sailship we can offer support for volunteers who are on a journey back into employment, via a supportive environment, a great team to work with, an amazing site which is under constant development and perhaps more importantly - a place where you might rebuild confidence, self-esteem and where we can offer you a reference for your next employment.
If you are retired we can offer volunteering opportunities to suit you e.g your time/availability
(i.e days/times)
Whatever your circumstances, we can offer you a valuable and meaningful volunteering opportunity at Sailship TLL!
We value our wonderful volunteers who help design, shape and form the project via land development & buildings construction. We are always happy to receive new applications of such support.
Can you help?
Sailship is currently seeking people to volunteer as support workers to work alongside our staff to help support out Trainees. We are looking for lunchtime Support Workers (12.30pm - 1.30pm) to assist with lunchtime activities to allow staff a break.
If you have a background in care working or have been/are a carer for a family member/friend, we would be pleased if you would get in touch.
Contact us today!
M: 07538 255387
E: Liz.barritt@sailship.org.uk
Facebook: Sailship Training and Learning for Life